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Best & Worst TV Advert

Guest The Shaman

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Guest The Shaman

Whats the best and worst tv/radio advert you can remember! Theres some really bad ones out at the moment and the advertising companies seem to be competing with each other for the Top "Naff" advert.


Joint Number 1 Naff Advert for me is "Frosties" with that amazingly irritating kid, and that new schweppes one with that fooking ridiculous, stupid, annoying downright cringeworthy glug glug, wheeeeeeee wheeeeee noises. Sooooooooooo shite! :no:


I think one of my faves was one of the dog, cat and mouse sitting in front of a fire together from a few years ago. :clapper:


Whats your thoughs.



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the old carling ones.dambusters theme. the hun nicking the sun loungers; with the towel bouncing across the pool :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

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Guest Fishaben

the best has got to be the honda advert where all the parts are rolling about and knocking together and stuff making them lead onto another thing happening and at the end of it is the honda car on the balanced platform, then 1 of the motions knock the platform at an angle so the car rolls off, you all know which I mean?? and the worst is the frosties ad to, I bet that lad got loads of stick back at school,lol.


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The worst has got to be the Halifax ads with Howard.

I do like the Becks ad and the "privilege ad's, I love Joanna Lumly .


Regards Rob


Aye, you would never get sick of punching that jam-jar, doubled glazed twat would you? :D cant do with joanna lumley, she,s made her money, all her life, by being a stuck up bitch, and she,s a rabid anti.

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that picture loan one

gets my f****n back right up!!!!!!!!!!

who the f**k has to be reminded that hes on the phone to borrow £25 grand :blink:

how much money as he got the thick twat :realmad:


right next


cillit bang!!!!!!

why the f**k as he got to shout?????? does useing that product make you deaf?????


admiral insurance

f****n adults whingeing like kids!!!!! aaarrrrgggggg thay just need a smack in the mouth!!!!!


DONT GET ME STARTED :realmad: :realmad:


the one i like at the min is the barclays bank one with the lad and the golf ball through the telly

fookin mint :laugh:

Edited by swamper
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I love the honda one too


Honda Ad


:realmad: Hang on a Ferkin minute,how did they get those tyres to roll up hill ?


Load of bollocks,the carton is more realistic :tongue2:


the picture loan ad.tryin to make borrowing look easy it really winds me up :diablo: .and when he goes to throw the ball at his wife ,f....k me its embarrasing.

Yes you are fookin well right there matey,i forgot about this shower of shite :diablo:


:angel: How much shall we borrow dear ?,


More like "you stupid f*cking cow,how much did you waste on Avon,25 LARGE,i should have listened to my mother "

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that picture loan one

gets my f****n back right up!!!!!!!!!!

who the f**k has to be reminded that hes on the phone to borrow £25 grand :blink:

how much money as he got the thick twat :realmad:


Yeh Swamp, that one makes you want to put your feckin boot through the telly mate... :realmad: ...they have also got a new picture loan one out now as well which is just as irritating as the first one, there are loads of really irritating adverts which far outnumber the good ones, and this Sky TV, programme starts at say 10.00, by feckin five past, the adverts are on.


SINDASOX :realmad: :realmad:

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